Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Samsung Galaxy S III finally gets its Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update! Download now!

The time Samsung announced that the they will be bringing to the Galaxy S III the features found on the Galaxy Note II like that amazing, multi-window feature, every SGS III owner, I believe, was excited. Yesterday, a lot of people from my circle have posted on social networks that they already have the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update on their devices which puts Samsung's promise into reality. Now, the Galaxy S III is at part (software-wise) with the Galaxy Note II with this update. Both devices are already on this version of the OS since the SGN2 was updated a week or so ago. So, SGS III owners who still did not update, start downloading, this probably is a 260MB download like the Note II's so I suggest you do the downloading either via WiFi or on your PC with Samsung Kies.

Thanks to Emman for the tip!